New Moon, New Cycle, New Intentions!
Get lots of rest and connect deeply within the space where dreams align with your authentic self. Write them down, talk to your guides and keep writing until you break through to an ah-ha moment. You'll be amazed to see what is within you.
Whatever comes to you, allow it to be there without judgement, then rewrite all that you wish to KEEP ALiVE in the positive, first person statements ... "I am feeling healthy and vibrant."
Let others go by imagining shutting a door or even by tearing that paper up!! If you need to take the month to mourn, that's healthy and often necessary. Let go how ever you wish- Create space within you, so by the time you get to next month's new lunar year, you're ready to have "Spring" in your step!
An invitation: Each day for the next month- Light a candle, speak your gratitude for you and everything in your life, you may want to include your inner light how ever it shines. Next, feel into your power statements and read them aloud with conviction and see what comes alive in you! I find it's heart expanding and filled with so much self love.
Note: I have a beeswax candle I use for this ONLY. Then each morning when I first get out of bed, when my room is still dark, I honor my inner light first and then all of the lights that surround me... and let whatever words flow in gratitude from there. I love that I then I remember to blow it out before I turn on the light/open curtains. ;)
Open your heart ❤- Your dreams are coming!